Trump’s Week in Review
Donald Trump is busy being your commander in chief. His economy yielded just 130K jobs in August. #Sharpiegate. He’s got yet another sexual harassment accuser. And people are claiming that taxpayers’ money is going directly into his pockets again after VP Pence stayed at one of his hotel properties in Ireland...200-miles away from a meeting with Irish officials. Here’s a one-stop shop to catch up on everything Your President accomplished in the last 7 days.
Fighting the Power in NC
After the Supreme Court ruled that gerrymandering was none of their business, North Carolina’s state court provided a win for Democrats: NC’s GOP-controlled state legislature would have to redraw their district maps, which had been heavily manipulated to keep Republicans in power. While we know that less than 0.01% of our readers live in NC (for now at least...our mailing list is small but mighty), this decision may impact other states in the same position, like Michigan, Maryland, and Texas. The ruling promises nothing as it comes to future election results. It does, however, make elections a more even playing field and will give voters more power to choose their representatives, rather than the other way around.
Welcome Back Congress
Congress is officially back from their summer vacation. Here’s what’s on their agenda this week: more calls to get Trump TF outta here, gun control, and avoiding another government shutdown.
2020 Watch
Julian Castro is not here for Donnie’s bizarre episodes. Same bro, same.
Pete Buttigieg calls out Kevin Hart in Breakfast Club interview.
We all need more friends like Donald Trump’s Republican goons. While there are Republican challengers to Donald Trump’s candidacy, some states have eliminated a GOP primary in 2020, ensuring Trump is their Republican pick next November.
Is Cousin Kamala losing her grip? That’s what the polls say.
Around the Diaspora
The Bahamas still needs our assistance to recover from Dorian. There are more ways than ever to help, including through Amazon.
Hey South Africa, your xenophobia is showing. Can the country clamp down on its citizens attacking residents from other African nations?
Ghana is getting to the money. They made $2.8 billion from their non-traditional export sector in 2018.
Culture that Pops
Jamele Hill thinks top-ranked Black athletes should attend HBCUs to give a financial boost to our historical institutions and the communities of color that surround them. Is she racist or simply looking out for her people?
Speaking of taking care of our own, Hampton University is offering free tuition, room & board to University of the Bahamas students that were displaced by Hurricane Dorian.
All 99 of Jay-Z’s problems these days seem to be related to his deal with the NFL. Here’s his latest obstacle to overcome.