About Us
About Us
About Us
The idea of The Bite came in the summer of 2016 after Philando Castile was murdered by a police officer in Minnesota. Searching for ways to replace the feeling of helplessness with purpose and action, we realized that our people can have control over what happens in our communities, if only we were aware.
So after years of fighting the call, we decided in 2018 to be courageous and roll out our first weekly digest, highlighting news impacting the Black community in the US and shedding light on the issues impacting the African Diaspora at large. Our aim is to be witty, informational, and quick—allowing our readers to know what’s going on as they ride the subway to work or wait in line for their morning coffee.
This is just the beginning for us and we look forward to sharing the rest of our passion and purpose project with y’all soon.
Please subscribe to receive our digest in your inbox every Monday morning.