The Skinny on COVID
The latest in numbers: 32M total cases & 577K deaths (+345K & +5K from last week)
The headlines:
Over 100 million adults in the US have officially been fully vaccinated.
Bill Gates says vaccine formulas shouldn’t be shared with developing countries. We would say we’re surprised, but...nothing about these people shocks us anymore.
New cases of the virus in the US have dropped sharply. Let’s all say a prayer (and do our part) to keep this trend going.
Can’t Win by Our Own Rules? Let’s Change ‘Em
Just like their neighbors to the north, Florida Republicans are hard at work making it more difficult for people of color to vote. What are some of the changes they’re trying to implement? Additional ID requirements for mail-in voting, new restrictions for the usage of drop boxes, and requiring voters to submit annual requests to vote by mail. The bill passed the state’s lower chamber last Wednesday and is expected to be ready for signing by Gov. DeSantis before a Friday deadline.
At this point, they don’t even care about their white fragility being on full display.
Keeping Up with Biden & Harris
Y’all (newish) president marked his first 100 days in office by giving a joint address to members of Congress. Here is everyone and/or everything that took home Ws and Ls from the address.
Y’all VP Kamala Harris says that the country isn’t racist, but must speak the truth about racism in the country. Huh? We know Black politicians can’t speak as openly about racism’s existence as white people can vehemently deny it’s even a thing, but that’s just not it Kamala.
Biden is launching a summer food program for 34M children in low income households as part of his continued efforts to provide pandemic relief.
Congress, What’s Good?
Tim Scott, the only Black Republican Senator (y’all know...the same one who said America was racist and not racist in the same speech) says the upper chamber is close to a bipartisan police reform bill. Knowing the way he talks in circles, who knows if it’s a police reform bill or an actual bill supporting law enforcement.
Oh, but just in case police reform legislation does pass, Senate Republicans have found something else they want to push back on: teaching more Black history in schools.
Happenings this week:
Criminal Justice Round Up
23K prisoners nationwide were released to stop the spread of COVID-19 in jails. Only 1 of the entire 23K committed a new crime in their time at home. Should the federal government reverse the Trump decision that would force them to go back once the ‘Rona is over?
One area where critics can agree Biden has not done enough in his first 100 days: criminal justice reform.
St. Louis’ new mayor Tishaura Jones proposes a $4M budget cut for their police department.
Around the Diaspora
Should India’s surge in COVID-19 cases serve as a wakeup call for African nations?
Nigeria is expecting Germany to return bronze artifacts that were stolen during the colonial era, though the timing and number of items to be returned is still TBD. Will this move put pressure on the British government to do the same? So far they’ve pretended to act like they don’t speak English when West African countries have asked for their belongings back.
Don’t let the media silence fool you. La Soufriere, though more dormant than it was early last month, is still devastating St. Vincent. If you want to donate, here are organizations committed to helping St. Vincent as they face the aftermath.
Getting to the Money
Google is helping formerly incarcerated individuals return to the workforce with their new “Grow with Google” career readiness program.
Y’all remember Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, right? Well here are 7 in-demand jobs that will help us achieve a cleaner, greener planet.
Buying Black
Love tea?? Great! Us too. Make sure your cup never runs dry with Brooklyn Tea.
Culture that Pops
Dominique Fishback, known for her breakout role as Deborah Johnson in Judas and the Black Messiah, lands the lead role in the upcoming Transformers film. Black women for the win. Again and always.
Young Thug and Gunna post bail for 30 people with low-level drug offenses in Atlanta.
Najee Harris, recently selected by the Pittsburgh Steelers in last weekend’s NFL draft, hosted his draft party at the Bay Area homeless shelter he stayed in as a youth and plans to do more to give back throughout his career.