With the popularity of Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett's clapback, will MAGA Marjorie finally learn to stay in her lane? Prolly not.
What the Health
Is the pressure to overachieve contributing to the mental health crisis amongst young people today?
Here are 5 apps that can help someone with diabetes manage their health. Share them with a loved one or check them out yourself.
They’re saying COVID is still a thing, y’all. Cases are rising in DC and 12 other states, including California, Florida, Georgia and New Jersey.
Keeping Up with Biden & Harris
More staff from the Biden Administration are resigning over his handling of the war in Gaza. Last week, the first Jewish staffer said goodbye because she disagreed with Biden using her community as the face of the “American war machine” when her own ancestors were killed by state-sanctioned violence.
In a predictable turn of events, Biden has announced that $1B worth of military aid will be sent to Israel. Though the shipment will come from already approved funds and Congress has the ability to block it, that’s unlikely. See more on that below.
Marilyn Mosby, Baltimore’s former state attorney, is asking Joe for a pardon after she says she was unfairly targeted by Trump and wrongfully convicted for speaking out against police brutality. Over 50 attorneys and 15+ social and legal organizations have also joined the call for a pardon. If Biden declines, she can be sentenced to up to 40 years in prison this Thursday, May 23.
Congress, What’s Good
Is the US House of Representatives now the cafeteria lunchroom with kids roasting each other from across the room? Who needs soap operas when all you have to do is tune into an Oversight Committee Hearing. Last week, during a discussion about whether to hold AG Merrick Garland in contempt for not providing requested material, forever-antagonist Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) made a remark about Rep Jasmine Crockett’s (D-TX) fake eyelashes. In response, Crockett lets Greene have it, describing her as having a “beach blonde, bad built, butch body,” Sheesh. We can’t say that we weren’t tickled by Crockett’s response, but make the House civilized again, please.
In other House news, they also passed a bill requiring more transparency in live event ticket pricing and another to prevent the POTUS from placing holds on arms shipments to Israel (The latter of these is expected to go nowhere, btw).
Over in the Senate, they unveiled a plan to reign in, but also invest in AI.
Popping off in committee meetings this week:
Fraudsters and Zelle (warn a friend to warn a scammer friend)
The use of prison labor in the US
Adding more nutritious foods to the SNAP program
Looking to 2024
KY and OR are hitting the polls for their presidential primaries TODAY, May 21 and Idaho’s Democrats will be caucusing on May 23. Residents should check out Rock the Vote for information on how to vote in their home states.
45 and 44 have agreed to hold 2 presidential debates this election cycle, taking place on June 27 and September 10. Per Biden’s request and much to Trump's chagrin, there will be no audience present.
VP Harris has also agreed to a debate with Donnie’s future running mate. It is expected to take place in July or August.
Social Justice Round Up
Can anyone in Morehouse’s administration read the room? Ahead of last weekend’s graduation ceremony, Morehouse ignored objections to having the POTUS deliver the 2024 commencement address. They even went as far as to give Biden an honorary doctorate ahead of the ceremony. While the school was busy kissing ass, the valedictorian was busy preparing for his speech that called for a ceasefire in Gaza. The rest of the graduating class coordinated a silent protest. The youth really will save us.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has finally pardoned Daniel Perry, a former Army advisor who posted about wanting to kill BLM protestors in 2020 and then went out and did just that. Abbott has been thirsty to pardon this criminal for a while now. Both he and Perry are examples of why we should believe people when they show us who they are.
The Brown v. Board of Education case turned 70 last week. Is your understanding of this historic court ruling whitewashed?
Around the Diaspora
While the violence and subsequent humanitarian crisis in Sudan becomes more severe with each day, aid is slow to arrive. If you are able and willing to give, consider this LinkTree with multiple ways to donate.
Congolese authorities are asking for a boycott of Rwandan mineral exports because they claim Rwanda is violently seizing the material from Congolese mines and selling them as their own. Truth is, mining in the Congo—regardless of which country is behind the exportation—it’s beyond exploitative. If you’re interested in helping those forced to work in the mines, check out Focus Congo or Friends of the Congo.
In a new documentary, viewers can hear Nelson Mandela tell his story in his own words. Its expected release date is April 27, 2025, 31 years after South Africa’s first democratic election was held.
Getting to the Money
TrueUp is a job board that tracks open positions for tech and “tech-ish” companies in real time. Postings for a given role will tell you how recently a company had layoffs, if the job application is time consuming, and how their most recent funding rounds went. The goal is to get you to DYOR (do your own research) before falling head over heels for a company. Who can be mad at that?
Culture that Pops
Howard’s Center for Journalism and Democracy is granting $200K to newsrooms at 10 HBCUs for the purpose of stipends for student journalists and the hiring of contributing writers. Morgan State, FAMU & Texas Southern are among the schools selected to receive funding.
Stevie Wonder is leaving us for Ghanaian pastures. We can’t even be mad at him.
This baby girl went to college at 10 years old. Now 17, she is graduating with her doctorate degree.
We asked this question before, but it needs to be asked again: Why are so many in our community quick to think we’re trying to “tear down a successful Black man” when dirt comes out about them? The recently leaked video of Diddy physically assaulting Cassie shows why it’s best to just STFU to avoid looking dumb as hell later.